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Colored Space

First Sunday
of the Month

7 - 8:30pm

Grades 9-12

NOV 29

The next IGNITE is on


IGNITE Youth church is for anyone in High School (grade 9-12). We meet the first Sunday of every month from 7-8pm at Rock of the Valley Community Church (10 Short Street)​​​


We want to IGNITE a transformation in the youth of Lumsden that is about loving themselves, loving God, and loving their Neighbour, their parents, their siblings, teachers, coaches and everyone they encounter. We want to see youth become people who encourage one another, give back to the community, know their identity, and bring this change to everyone around them. Following Jesus isn't about following rules, but about encountering Grace and then taking that Grace into others.


Creating a youth church means creating an atmosphere for youth. Lights, upbeat music, latte/hot chocolate bar, live music, short impactful messages, question time, and time to pray for each other.​


Maybe you're not totally sure about this Jesus person yet, but we would invite you to "come and see". Come ask questions, come to encounter grace, come to hear an incredible message about an incredible God who wants to know you!



Francis Dixon, Youth Director


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PHONE: 1-306-731-2222   |  E-MAIL:  |  ADDRESS: 10 Short St. Lumsden, SK

© 2024 Rock of the Valley Community Church. All Rights Reserved.

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